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New Clients

  • Can I email or call to schedule an appointment?
    You can make a booking either via phone call, email, or online. Please ensure you let us know which date & time is most preferable for you.
  • Appointment Availability
    If we are unable to find you an appointment time and day that suits, not to worry! We have a cancellation list and we will contact you when an appointment becomes available.
  • What do I book in for?
    Skin Consultation & Treatment *recommended 1.5 hour or Skin Consultation only (either in clinic or via zoom) 45 minutes Bride or Groom to be? If so, please specify your wedding date (Hooray!)
  • Contraindications
    Please note that we cannot perform a treatment if you have had a cold sore outbreak or if you have had botox/fillers within the last 14 days.
  • Where to Book?
    We very much look forward to treating all our new clients, and have you experience where all skin magic happens!
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